Climate Change in the High Andes:implications and adaptation strategies for small-scale farmers

C. Perez, C. Nicklin, O. Dangles, S. Vanek, S.G. Sherwood, S. Halloy, K.A. Garrett, G.A. Forbes

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Abstract: Global climate change represents a major threat to sustainable farming in the Andes. Farmers have used local ecological knowledge and intricate production systems to cope, adapt and reorganize to meet climate uncertainty and risk, which have always been a fact of life. Those traditional systems are generally highly resilient, but the predicted effects, rates and variability of climate change may push them beyond their range of adaptability. This article examines the extent of actual and potential impacts of climate variability and change on small-scale farmers in the highland Andes of Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru. It describes how climate change impacts agriculture through deglaciation, changes in hydrology, soil and pest and disease populations. The article highlights some promising adaptive strategies currently in use by or possible for producers, rural communities and local institutions to mitigate climate change effects while preserving the livelihoods and environmental and social sustainability of the region
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)71-88
JournalThe International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability
Publication statusPublished - 2010


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