Climate adaptation in the Netherlands

R.S. de Groot, E.C. van Ierland, P.J. Kuikman, E.E.M. Nillesen, M. Platteeuw, V.C. Tassone, A. Verhagen, S.J.E. Verzandvoort

Research output: Book/ReportReportAcademic


IPCC (2001) indicates that climate change will take place despite the mitigation strategies that are going to be implemented. This calls for adaptation strategies in order to reduce the vulnerability to climate change. The aim of this project was to make a policy assessment to contribute to a more thorough understanding of the adaptation options, their costs and benefits and the policy conclusions that could be attached to the results. The study is based on literature reviews, consultation of stakeholders and the design and implementation of a database with various options, and a first sketch of their incremental costs and benefits, either in quantitative of qualitative terms, and as far as current information allows. The study also pays attention to the institutional aspects by analyzing the role of the actors involved and the barriers and opportunities for implementing adaptation options.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBilthoven
PublisherNetherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (MNP)
Number of pages118
Publication statusPublished - 2006

Publication series

NameReport / Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
PublisherNetherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
No.500102 003


  • land use
  • nature conservation
  • water management
  • traffic
  • climatic change


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