title = "Chinese scenarios for groundwater leaching and aquatice exposure : development of scenarios for environmental risk assessment procedures of pesticides in China",
abstract = "Within the frame work of the Sino-Dutch Pesticide Environment Risk Assessment Project (PERAP) and as part of the Chinese environmental ris assessment procedures models and scenarions were developed to estimate concentrations of Plant Protection Product (PPP) leaching to the groundwater and to estimate PPP concentrations in Chinese small surface waters. Protection goals considering groundwater and surface water were defined in detail. Realistic worst-case groundwater scenario's and surface water scenarios were defined to be used in respectively a Tier 1 leaching assessment of PPP a Tier 1 assesment of the risks of PPP to aquatic ecosystems in China. Data on soil, weather, crops, irrigation and Agricultural practices were gathered for both scenario definitions. Existing models PEARL and TOXSWA were modified and parameterised for the scenarions defined.",
keywords = "grondwater, pesticiden, uitspoelen, risicoschatting, modellen, oppervlaktewater, blootstelling, rijstvelden, rijst, china, groundwater, pesticides, leaching, risk assessment, models, surface water, exposure, rice fields, rice, china",
author = "{ter Horst}, M.M.S. and E.L. Wipfler and P.I. Adriaanse and J.J.T.I. Boesten and G. Fait and W. Li and C. Tao",
note = "This research was (partly) funded by the Dutch Ministery of Economic Affairs (through the former Asia Facility for China)",
year = "2014",
language = "English",
series = "Alterra-rapport",
publisher = "Alterra",
number = "2559",
address = "Netherlands",