Chemical risk indicator scoping study: Scoping study to develop an indicator on the risk of chemicals on ecosystems

S. Andres, P. Kotschik, Laure Malherbe, E.S. Heimstad, H.L. Halvorsen, M. Nipen, M.B. Balde, G.H.P. Arts, A. Carré, J. Vuaille, Xenia Trier

Research output: Book/ReportReportAcademic


This scoping study outlines various options for methodologies that can underpin indicator(s) on the risk of (single/mixtures of) chemicals on various types of ecosystems, habitats and species. The aim of the indicator is to provide a sufficient and indicative level of information to contribute to risk governance. It can inform governmental institutions, non-governmental organizations and the general public on to what extent terrestrial ecosystems, habitats, or species, are put at risk by the occurrence of chemicals in the environment, as a consequence of human activities (e.g., farming). The report highlights the data required for the development of such an indicator and their availability through a review of existing databases. A case study illustrates the applicability of the indicator and the need for further development.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherEuropean Environment Agency
Number of pages117
ISBN (Print)9788293970163
Publication statusPublished - 6 Dec 2022

Publication series

NameETC HE Report


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