Characterization of nerolidol biotransformation based on indirect on-line estimation of biomass concentration and physiological state in batch cultures of Aspergillus niger

G.J.G. Ruijter, J. Visser, J.J.L. Iversen

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14 Citations (Scopus)


Biotransformation of the sesquiterpenoid trans-nerolidol by Aspergillus niger has previously been investigated as a method for the formation of 12-hydroxy- trans-nerolidol, a precursor in the synthesis of the industrially interesting flavor -sinensal. We characterized biotransformations of cis-nerolidol, trans-nerolidol, and a commercially available cis/ trans-nerolidol mixture in repeated batch cultures of A. niger grown in computer-controlled bioreactors. On-line quantification of titrant addition in pH control allowed characterization of (1) maximal specific growth rate in exponential growth phases, (2) exponential induction of acid formation in postexponential phases, (3) inhibition of organic acid formation after nerolidol addition, and (4) exponential recovery from this inhibition. Addition of a (±)- cis/ trans-nerolidol mixture during exponential or postexponential phase to cultures grown in minimal medium at high dissolved oxygen tension (above 50% air saturation), to cultures at low dissolved oxygen tension (5% air saturation), or to cultures grown in rich medium demonstrated that the physiological state before nerolidol addition had a major influence on biotransformation. The maximal molar yield of 12-hydroxy- trans-nerolidol (9%) was obtained by addition of a (±)- cis/trans-nerolidol mixture to the culture in the postexponential phase at high dissolved oxygen tension in minimal medium. Similar yields were obtained in rich medium, where the rate of biotransformation was doubled
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)368-376
JournalBiotechnology Progress
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2004


  • acyclic isoprenoids
  • proton-exchange
  • alpha-sinensal
  • growth
  • purification
  • terpenes
  • systems
  • carbon


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