Chapter 6: Routes to a climate resilient city with climate services: the examples of Nijmegen and Lisbon

Ingrid Coninx, Wim Timmermans, Rob Swart, Luís Dias, Maarten Van Ginkel

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review


Climate change can be a driver for cities to become frontrunners in terms of both climate mitigation (for instance, in moving towards carbon-neutrality) and climate adaptation in developing green and liveable cities. In metropolitan areas, climate threats such as floods, heat and drought, have a significant impact on nature, the economy, human health and well-being. The concentration of people, infrastructure and other assets makes cities vulnerable to climate risks as they have rarely been designed with climate change in mind. In 2009, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) introduced the concept of ‘climate services’ to improve the accessibility of the vast amount of available climate data in a way useful for those who would need them. Since then, the concept has evolved from ‘science-driven and user-informed’ to ‘user-driven and science-informed’, actively supporting climate change responses by citizens, companies, economic sectors, and cities (see for instance European Commission, 2015). Climate services are tools, products and processes that can help to integrate climate information into urban policymaking and design for improving urban resilience. Because of the long-term nature of climate change, climate services force urban developers to adopt a long-term, transformative perspective in urban planning and design. This chapter elaborates on how climate change can be a driver for green urban development, by pursuing resilience with the help of climate services. Two illustrative cases are presented: Nijmegen (the Netherlands) and Lisbon (Portugal). We also illustrate the importance of the next generation of climate services to go beyond risk assessment by informing the design of response measures like nature-based solutions. The cases illustrate the modalities of climate services to trigger action: climate services have to be flexible and tailored to the specific local situation and they should be integrated with other urban challenges in order to develop innovative multifunctional urban solutions.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe symbiotic city
Subtitle of host publicationVoices of nature in urban transformations
EditorsMarian Stuiver
PublisherWageningen Academic Publishers
ISBN (Electronic)9789086869350
ISBN (Print)9789086863839
Publication statusPublished - 13 Jun 2022


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