Channeled monoliths for the isolation of functional food ingredients

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterProfessional


Channelled monoliths have been used in different applications to solve the bottlenecks of packed beds used in adsorptive separations. However in the food industry there is a lack of investigations using these types of adsorbents which is a pity, since this type of adsorbent seems to have all the characteristics to be a robust and convenient adsorbent. To prove this, we compared experimentally and theoretically the adsorptive performance, permeability, as well as the susceptibility to plugging of channelled monoliths and packed beds.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2014
EventNPS14 'Fundamentally Innovative' -
Duration: 3 Nov 20145 Nov 2014


Conference/symposiumNPS14 'Fundamentally Innovative'


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