Changes in major risk factors for cardiovascular diseases over 25 years in the Serbian cohorts of the Seven Countries Study.

D. Kromhout, S.I. Nedeljkovic, M.Z. Grujic, M.C. Ostojic, A. Keys, A. Menotti, M.B. Katan, M.A. van Oostrom, B.P.M. Bloemberg

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The Serbian cohorts of the Seven Countries Study were examined four times during a 25-year period. Large changes were observed in average serum cholesterol, blood pressure and the prevalence of smoking in these ageing cohorts. Comparison of men of the same age strata e.g. men aged 50-59 examined at baseline and after 10 years of follow-up and of men aged 65-69 examined after 10 and 25 years of follow-up showed that serum cholesterol increased by about 45% in Zrenjanin, 35% in Velika Krsna and 15% in Belgrade over the last 25 years. Systolic blood pressure increased by 9% in Zrenjanin and 7% in Velika Krsna. No significant increase in systolic blood pressure was observed in Belgrade. There was no major secular trend in smoking and the changes observed during 25 years were mainly due to ageing. No major change was observed in body mass index. The increases in serum cholesterol and blood pressure observed in the Serbian cohorts during the last 25 years are compatible with the increase in cardiovascular disease mortality observed in Yugoslavian men aged 30-69 during the period 1970-1984.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5-11
JournalInternational Journal of Epidemiology
Publication statusPublished - 1994


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