Calcium signaling during the plant-plant interaction of parasitic Cuscuta reflexa with its hosts

M. Albert, B. Kaiser, A.R. van der Krol, R. Kaldenhoff

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10 Citations (Scopus)


The plant parasite Cuscuta reflexa induces various responses in compatible and incompatible host plants. The visual reactions of both types of host plants including obvious morphological changes require the recognition of Cuscuta ssp. A consequently initiated signaling cascade is triggered which leads to a tolerance of the infection or, in the case of some incompatible host plants, to resistance. Calcium (Ca2+) release is the major second messenger during signal transduction. Therefore, we have studied Ca2+ spiking in tomato and tobacco during infection with C. reflexa. In our recently published study1 Ca2+ signals were monitored as bioluminescence in aequorin-expressing tomato plants after the onset of C. reflexa infestation. Signals at the attachment sites were observed from 30 to 48 h after infection. In an assay with leaf disks of aequorin-expressing tomato which were treated with different C. reflexa plant extracts it turned out that the substance that induced Ca2+ release in the host plant was closely linked to the parasite´s haustoria
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1144-1146
JournalPlant Signaling & Behavior
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 2010


  • Calcium signaling
  • Cuscuta
  • Dodder
  • Plant parasitism


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