Breeding for quality of button mushrooms: genetically dissecting bruising sensitivity and quality-related traits of Agaricus bisporus

W. Gao

Research output: Thesisinternal PhD, WU


The present-day cultivars of button mushroom are too sensitive to mechanical damage. Consequently, mushrooms for the fresh market are still handpicked, which is a main cost factor for the Dutch mushroom industry. The main objective of this thesis is to use the phenotypic variation and segregation to study the genetic determinants explaining the differences in bruising sensitivity and generate breeding stocks that can be used to construct commercial varieties that are suitable for mechanical harvest. In addition, the genetic basis of other quality-related traits was investigated. For this, segregating populations were generated and used to study in more detail the life cycle of the bisporicvariety. The availability of the whole genome sequence allowsa more detailed study of recombination frequencies generating knowledge invaluable for further mushroom breeding.

Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • Wageningen University
  • Visser, Richard, Promotor
  • Sonnenberg, Anton, Co-promotor
  • Baars, Johan, Co-promotor
Award date21 Jan 2014
Place of PublicationWageningen
Print ISBNs9789461739018
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jan 2014


  • agaricus bisporus
  • edible fungi
  • plant breeding
  • bruising
  • sensitivity
  • quantitative trait loci
  • quality
  • traits
  • genetic analysis


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