Breeding crops with resistance to diseases and pests

R.E. Niks, J.E. Parlevliet, P. Lindhout, Y. Bai

Research output: Book/ReportBookAcademic


Up-to-date textbook targeted towards students in plant sciences. The book describesthe most basic elements in plant pathogen interactions and defence strategies in plants. The scientific background is explained as far as it is relevant for breeders to make sensible choices in designing and running their breeding work
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationWageningen
PublisherWageningen Academic Publishers
Number of pages198
ISBN (Print)9789086861712
Publication statusPublished - 2011


  • resistance breeding
  • plant breeding
  • disease resistance
  • pest resistance
  • plant-microbe interactions
  • defence mechanisms
  • textbooks


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