Biosensors for sustainable food engineering: Challenges and perspectives

Suresh Neethirajan*, Vasanth Ragavan, Xuan Weng, Rohit Chand

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

174 Citations (Scopus)


Current food production faces tremendous challenges from growing human population, maintaining clean resources and food qualities, and protecting climate and environment. Food sustainability is mostly a cooperative effort resulting in technology development supported by both governments and enterprises. Multiple attempts have been promoted in tackling challenges and enhancing drivers in food production. Biosensors and biosensing technologies with their applications, are being widely applied to tackling top challenges in food production and its sustainability. Consequently, a growing demand in biosensing technologies exists in food sustainability. Microfluidics represents a technological system integrating multiple technologies. Nanomaterials, with its technology in biosensing, is thought to be the most promising tool in dealing with health, energy, and environmental issues closely related to world populations. The demand of point of care (POC) technologies in this area focus on rapid, simple, accurate, portable, and low-cost analytical instruments. This review provides current viewpoints from the literature on biosensing in food production, food processing, safety and security, food packaging and supply chain, food waste processing, food quality assurance, and food engineering. The current understanding of progress, solution, and future challenges, as well as the commercialization of biosensors are summarized.

Original languageEnglish
Article number23
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 12 Mar 2018
Externally publishedYes


  • Biosensors
  • Food engineering
  • Food packaging
  • Food production
  • Point of care
  • Quality assessment
  • Supply chain
  • Sustainability


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