Bioenergy from Mountain Pine Beetle Timber and Forest Residuals: A Cost Analysis

K. Niquidet, B. Stennes, G.C. van Kooten

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

21 Citations (Scopus)


In light of the large volumes of pine killed in the interior forests of British Columbia (BC) by the mountain pine beetle, many forest sector participants are keen to employ forest biomass as an energy source. To assess the feasibility of a wood biomass-fired power plant in the BC interior, it is necessary to know both how much physical biomass might be available over the life of a plant and its location as transportation cost is likely to be a major operating cost for any facility. To address these issues, we construct a mathematical programming model of fiber flows in the Quesnel Timber Supply Area of BC over a 25-year time horizon. The focus of the model is on minimizing the cost of supplying feedstock through space and time. Results indicate that over the life of the project, feedstock costs will more than double, increasing from $54.60/bone-dry tonnes (BDt) ($0.039/kWh) to $116.14/BDt ($0.083/kWh).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)195-210
JournalCanadian Journal of Agricultural Economics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2012


  • british-columbia
  • infested wood
  • canada


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