Binding site of novel 2-benzylamino-4-methyl-6-trifluoromethyl-1,3,5-triazine herbicides in the D1 protein of Photosystem II

Y. Ikeda, S. Ohki, K. Koizumi, A. Tanaka, H. Watanabe, H. Kohno, J.J.S. van Rensen, P. Böger, K. Wakabayashi

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19 Citations (Scopus)


A series of replacement experiments of [C-14]-triazines, [C-14]-atrazine and [7-C-14]-2-benzylamino-4-methyl-6-trifluoromethyl-1,3,5-triazine, bound to thylakoids isolated from wild-type and atrazine-resistant Chenopodium album (lambsquarters) were conducted. Replacement experiments of [C-14]-triazines bound to wild-type Chenopodium thylakoids with non-labeled atrazine and 2-benzylamino-4-methyl-6-trifluoromethyl-1,3,5-triazine were carried out, to elucidate whether benzylamino-1,3,5-triazines use the same binding niche as atrazine. [C-14]-Atrazine and [7-C-14]-2-benzylamino-4-methyl-6-trifluoromethyl-1,3,5-triazine bound to wild-type thylakoids were replaced by non-labeled 2-benzylamino-4-methyl-6-trifluoromethyl-1,3,5-triazine and non-labeled atrazine, respectively. The above two replacements showed mutual competition. To clarify further whether benzylamino-1,3,5-triazines bind at the D1-protein to amino acid residue( s) different from atrazine or not, experiments to replace [7-C-14]-2-benzylamino-4-methyl-6-trifluoromethyl-1,3,5-triazines bound to atrazine-resistant Chenopodium thylakoids by non-labeled atrazine, 2-(4-bromobenzylamino)-4-methyl-6-trifluoromethyl-1,3,5-triazine, DCMU and DNOC were carried out. Although the bound [7-C-14]-2-benzylamino-4-methyl-6-trifluoromethyl-1,3,5-triazine was difficult to be replaced even with high concentrations of atrazine, [C-14]-labeled 1,3,5-triazine was competitively replaced by non-labeled 2-(4-bromobenzylamino)-4-methyl-6-trifluoromethyl-1,3,5-triazine, DCMU or DNOC. Thus, 2-benzylamino-4-methyl-6-trifluoromethyl-1,3,5-triazine herbicides are considered to bind to the same niche at the D1 protein as atrazine, but use amino acid residue(s) different from those involved with atrazine binding.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)35-43
JournalPhotosynthesis Research
Publication statusPublished - 2003


  • photosynthetic electron-transport
  • chloroplasts
  • inhibition
  • derivatives
  • resistant


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