title = "Bibliography on forest ecology, forest management, agroforestry and timber characteristics for Indonesia, 1950-1980",
keywords = "bosbouw, plantenecologie, bomen, autecologie, bosbedrijfsvoering, opbrengstregeling, werkplannen, planning, opbrengsten, agroforestry, hout, schors, bomen, houteigenschappen, indonesi{\"e}, bibliografie{\"e}n, forestry, plant ecology, trees, autecology, forest management, yield regulation, working plans, planning, yields, agroforestry, wood, bark, wood properties, indonesia, bibliographies",
author = "F. Beekman and K.F. Wiersum and F. Wouters",
year = "1982",
language = "Nederlands",
series = "Rapport / Rijksinstituut voor Onderzoek in de Bos- en Landschapsbouw {"}De Dorschkamp{"}",
publisher = "De Dorschkamp",
number = "no. 285",
address = "Netherlands",