Base line studies North Sea wind farms: Final report pelagic fish

R.E. Grift, I. Tulp, M.S. Ybema, A.S. Couperus

    Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


    The Dutch government has decided to allow the construction of a Near Shore Wind Farm (NSW) demonstration project under the condition that a monitoring programme on - among other things - the ecological impacts is carried out. The Dutch government is responsible for providing a thorough description of the present ecological situation in order to evaluate future effects of planned wind farms. The Netherlands Institute for Fisheries Research has carried out the baseline study on pelagic fish. During this study, the pelagic fish community was sampled twice in April and October 2003: with a high spatial resolution in the planned location of the wind farm and in two reference sites, and with a low spatial resolution in a larger area in the coastal zone. Because of the absence of long-term datasets and to allow investigation of inter-seasonal patterns, we supplemented the data collected in this project with unpublished data from two other projects in which pelagic fish were recently sampled in the same area but in different seasons (June 2002 and November 2003). The combination of these four surveys enabled a year-round description of the pelagic fish community. This report describes the baseline situation for pelagic fish and presents the sampling approach, processing of the acoustic and trawl data and the analysis of all data.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationIJmuiden
    Number of pages77
    Publication statusPublished - 2004

    Publication series

    NameRIVO report


    • pelagic fishery
    • wind farms
    • ecological disturbance
    • ecology
    • north sea


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