Avaliacao do contributo da expressao genética na tolerância à desidratacao em Rosa x hybrida coltivada em humidade relativa elevada

D.R.A. Carvalho, M.W. Vasconcelos, C.F.S. Koning-Boucoiran, F.A. Krens, E. Heuvelink, S.M.P. Carvalho

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperAcademic


Cultivation of cut flowers with high postharvest longevity is of extreme importance for consumer’s satisfaction. A negative water balance is indicated as the most important factor reducing longevity. This problem is more severe in plants grown at high relative air humidity (i.e. RH > 85%) mainly due to a poor stomatal functioning associated to lower abscisic acid (ABA) concentrations, leading to higher water loss. In this paper it is analysed whether a sensitive cut rose cultivar to high RH show different gene expression related to ABA metabolism when grown at moderate (60%) or high (90%) RH. RNA was isolated from fully developed leaves, harvested 180 min after the beginning of the dark period (stomatal closing stimulus) and the relative gene expression was evaluated in genes involved in: biosynthesis (AAO3 and NCED1), oxidation (CYP707A1 and CYP707A3) and conjugation (UGT75B2) of ABA. The stomatal conductivity in the dark period was 5.6-fold higher in intact plants developed at high RH compared to moderate RH-grown plants, showing the reduced closure capacity of the stomata during darkness. After 4 h of leaflet desiccation, leaflets grown at high RH showed a relative water content (RWC) 69% lower than the moderate RH-grown leaflets, validating the sensitivity of K023 to high RH during growth. At last, from the five studied genes only the expression of CYP707A3 was significantly reduced by high RH, without significant differences found in the other genes. In conclusion, the sensitivity of the genotype K023 to high RH cannot be explained by the expression of the genes evaluated in this study, using leaves harvested 180 min after the beginning of the dark period (closing stimulus). We expect that after transferring the plants to the postharvest conditions, inducing water stress, a more contrasting gene expression among RH levels will appear.
Original languagePortuguese
Title of host publicationProducción Viverística (II): Crecimiento y Desarrollo, Material Vegetal y Propagación
Place of PublicationValencia
Publication statusPublished - 2014
EventVI Jornadas Ibéricas de Horticultura Ornamental: Las Buenas Prácticas en la Horticultura Ornamental, Valencia, Spain -
Duration: 1 Oct 20143 Oct 2014


Conference/symposiumVI Jornadas Ibéricas de Horticultura Ornamental: Las Buenas Prácticas en la Horticultura Ornamental, Valencia, Spain

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