Automatisch melken en gezondheid ondernemer = Automatic milking and farmers health and wellbeing

H.J.C. van Dooren, H.H.E. Oude Vrielink, J.J. Poelarends, F. Neijenhuis

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


By introducing automatic milking on a dairy farm the physical and mental stress is reduced resulting in less health problems. This decline is bigger than after investing in a new milking parlour and the effect is persistent as the stress levels stay at the same lower level with farmers with more than two years of experience with automatic milking. No significant differences in personality were found between the categories of farmers. Farmers who quitted automatic milking and returned to a milking parlour do have a more negative attitude towards automatic milking. Nevertheless, their experiences can be very useful for farmers switching to automatic milking. Better preparation, realistic expectations and improved decision support system are recommended
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationLelystad
PublisherAnimal Sciences Group
Number of pages85
Publication statusPublished - 2007

Publication series

NameRapport / Animal Sciences Group
PublisherAnimal Sciences Group
ISSN (Print)1570-8616


  • machine milking
  • physical strain
  • operator comfort
  • ergonomics
  • farm management
  • dairy farming
  • dairy equipment
  • user friendliness

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