ATHON NDL-PCB effect database—A tool to facilitate the cumulative risk assessment of NDL-PCBs

E. Wosterholm, J. Boix, H.M. Miettinen, R. Roos, E.C. Antunes Fernandes, R. Westerink, M. van Duursen, M. Stenberg, S. Correia Carreira, M. Machala, I. Silins, U. Stenius, K. Halldin, A. Hanberg, H. Hakansson

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingAbstract


ATHON—Assessing the toxicity and hazard of non-dioxin like PCBs present in food—is an FP6 project designed to study the biological effects of non-dioxin like (NDL) PCBs. ATHON has developed a toxicological effect database for NDL-PCBs. During the period March 2008 to February 2009, 138 references defined as concerning effects of NDL-PCBs were identified in literature. After exclusion of 37 Arochlor papers, about 20% of the remaining 101 references describe in vitro studies while in vivo and epidemiology studies are described in 30% of the references each. 15% of the references were reviews and were only included if they contained original data. The references were also divided into the ATHON main areas, i.e. neurotoxicity, reproduction/development, liver/cancer, and endocrinology, with approximately one fifth of the references classified into each effect sub-category. A text mining technology was used to rank and classify references older than March 2008 based on the evidence they contain. As ATHON progresses, the database will be updated with data generated within the project using ultra pure NDL-PCBs as well as with available data from other recent EU projects. The anticipated outcome of the effect database is to identify NDL-PCB specific effect biomarkers and mechanisms of action and to further develop the toxicity-based NDL-PCB classification strategy. The information in the database combined with the unique ATHON data will be used for an NDL-PCB monograph intended as a basis for discussions on NDL-PCB guidance values.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAbstracts of the 46th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology
Publication statusPublished - 2009
Event46th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology -
Duration: 13 Sept 200916 Sept 2009


Conference/symposium46th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology


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