Assessment of a GM-crop impact on soil systems using the DNA barcode-based tool for nematode community analysis

J.A. Vonk, C. Mulder, M.T.W. Vervoort, K.M. Brolsma, L. Posthuma, R.G.M. de Goede

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


The RIVM has developed with the Wageningen University (WUR) a new technique by which the soil quality can be determined accurately, the so-called nematode DNA barcode tool. This molecular method provides faster and more detailed information about disturbances in soil quality and the possible causes. This can be done because this novel information is combined with data on the overall processes by which crops are grown. Examples are the use of pesticides and effects on the soil systems of agricultural techniques such as ploughing and fertilizing. In this way a better understanding of the influences on soil quality of agricultural practices, such as genetically modified (GM) crops, can be achieved.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBilthoven
Number of pages56
Publication statusPublished - 2012

Publication series

NameRIVM Report


  • soil quality
  • soilborne pathogens
  • soil suppressiveness
  • molecular diagnostics
  • plant parasitic nematodes
  • transgenic plants
  • soil ecology
  • risk assessment


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