Assessing the genetic variation of Ty-1 and Ty-3 alleles conferring resistance to tomato yellow leaf curl virus in a broad tomato germplasm

C.M. Caro Rios, M.G. Verlaan, O. Julian, H.J. Finkers, A.M.A. Wolters, S.F. Hutton, J.W. Scott, R.J.M. Kormelink, R.G.F. Visser, M.J. Diez, A. Perez-de-Castro, Y. Bai*

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39 Citations (Scopus)


Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) hampers tomato production worldwide. Our previous studies have focussed on mapping and ultimately cloning of the TYLCV resistance genes Ty-1 and Ty-3. Both genes are derived from Solanum chilense and were shown to be allelic. They code for an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDR) belonging to the RDR¿ type defined by a DFDGD catalytic domain. In this study, we first fine-mapped the TYLCV resistance in S. chilense LA1932, LA1960 and LA1971. Results showed that chromosomal intervals of the causal genes in these TYLCV-resistant accessions overlap and cover the region where Ty-1/Ty-3 is located. Further, virus-induced gene silencing was used to silence Ty-1/Ty-3 in tomato lines carrying TYLCV resistance introgressed from S. chilense LA1932, LA1938 and LA1971. Results showed that silencing Ty-1/Ty-3 compromised the resistance in lines derived from S. chilense LA1932 and LA1938. The LA1971-derived material remained resistant upon silencing Ty-1/Ty-3. Further, we studied the allelic variation of the Ty-1/Ty-3 gene by examining cDNA sequences from nine S. chilense-derived lines/accessions and more than 80 tomato cultivars, landraces and accessions of related wild species. The DFDGD catalytic domain of the Ty-1/Ty-3 gene is conserved among all tomato lines and species analysed. In addition, the 12 base pair insertion at the 5-prime part of the Ty-1/Ty-3 gene was found not to be specific for the TYLCV resistance allele. However, compared with the susceptible ty-1 allele, the Ty-1/Ty-3 allele is characterized by three specific amino acids shared by seven TYLCV-resistant S. chilense accessions or derived lines. Thus, Ty-1/Ty-3-specific markers can be developed based on these polymorphisms. Elevated transcript levels were observed for all tested S. chilenseRDR alleles (both Ty-1 and ty-1 alleles), demonstrating that elevated expression level is not a good selection criterion for a functional Ty-1/Ty-3 allele.
Original languageEnglish
Article number132
Number of pages13
JournalMolecular Breeding
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Breeding
  • Resistance
  • RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDR)
  • Tomato
  • Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV)
  • Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS)


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