Assessing dynamic efficiency of the Spanish construction sector pre- and post-financial crisis

M. Kapelko, S.E. Stefanou, A.G.J.M. Oude Lansink

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88 Citations (Scopus)


This paper undertakes the full decomposition of dynamic cost inefficiency into technical, scale and allocative inefficiency based on the dynamic directional distance function. The empirical application estimates dynamic inefficiency in the Spanish construction industry before and during the current financial crisis over the period 2001–2009. Static inefficiency measures are biased in a context of a significant economic crisis with large investments and disinvestments as they do not account for costs in the adjustment of quasi-fixed factors. Allocative inefficiency is smaller, while technical inefficiency is larger when using the dynamic compared to the static framework. Results further indicate that overall dynamic cost inefficiency is very high with technical inefficiency being the largest component, followed by allocative and scale inefficiency. Moreover, overall dynamic cost inefficiency is significantly larger before the beginning of the financial crisis than during the financial crisis. Larger firms are less technically and scale inefficient than smaller firms on average, but have more problems in choosing the mix of inputs that minimizes their long-term costs. Firms that went bankrupt, on average, have a higher overall dynamic cost inefficiency and scale inefficiency than continuing firms.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)349-357
JournalEuropean Journal of Operational Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • data envelopment analysis
  • technical efficiency
  • electric utilities
  • industry
  • dea
  • model


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