Arbeid en arbo bij het beheer van natuurgebieden en in de bosbouw

P.F.M.M. Roelofs, A.A.J. Looije

    Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


    Labour and labour conditions in Dutch forestry and in management of Dutch wildlife areas are studied by literature review, evaluation of workplaces and questionnaires. In the Netherlands, very few statistics are available about labour and absence through illness in forestry and management of wildlife areas. In this study, mainly based on data concerning the years 2000, 2001 and 2002, it is estimated that about 3867 people work in these sectors, and this number will probably rise. Absence trough illness was about 7%; this was more than the Dutch overall average of 5.5%.The most important reasons for sick leave were pain in the back or in the limbs, due to frequent lifting, lugging, pushing, pulling and exposure to vibrations. Cutting or pruning trees using chain saws and mowing using two-wheeled tractors or portable mowers were activities causing the most physical load.Forestry is known to be a dangerous sector compared to others, but national statistics concerning accidents are not available. Hygiene is amore important topic than in most other sectors, since often no sanitary facilities are available. Lyme-disease, caused by ticks, is a typical occupational disease in this sector. Also the mental load of workers in this sector is substantial. Forest workers have to observe many rules and laws, and have to deal with involvement of the general public and public opinion. Also workers in wildlife areas have to be good at handling the general public and public opinion, but additionally have to deal with changing objectives of the organization they work for. Beside of the traditional nature protecting tasks, they now also have to educate the visitors.Staatsbosbeheer and other organizations watching over forest or wildlife areas have taken initiatives to improve labour conditions for their employees. Initiatives, which are usable for others, are entered in the recommendations of this study.
    Original languageDutch
    Place of PublicationWageningen
    PublisherAgrotechnology & Food Innovations
    Number of pages119
    ISBN (Print)9789067548977
    Publication statusPublished - 2006

    Publication series

    NameRapport / Wageningen UR, Agrotechnology & Food Innovations
    PublisherAgrotechnology & Food Innovations


    • forestry
    • conservation areas
    • labour
    • working conditions
    • safety at work
    • occupational disorders
    • disease prevention
    • occupational health
    • natural areas

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