Application of GIS in land-use planning, a case study in the coastal Mekong Delta of Vietnam

N.H. Trung, Le Quang Tri, M.E.F. van Mensvoort, A.K. Bregt

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference paperAcademic


This paper presents the applications of Geoinformatics System (GIS) in three different land-use planning (LUP) approaches. The participatory LUP (PLUP) which strongly consider the local people perceptions for land utilizations, the guidelines for LUP by FAO enhanced with multi-criteria evaluation (FAO-MCE), and the land-use planning and analysis system (LUPAS) using interactive multiple-goal linear programming. The case study was two villages in the coastal area of the Mekong Delta (MD), Vietnam. The land use of the studied area is diverse, quickly shifting and strongly contrasting. The contrast is not only in terms of resources but also in economic profitability and environmental sustainability. GIS plays an important role in the successful of these three LUP approaches. In PLUP, GIS help to integrate the acquired spatial and attribute data from farmer discussions and cross-section walks, and to analyses the changes in not only biophysical, land cover changes but also farmers¿ perception changes in land utilizations. The conflicts in resources uses, mainly between agriculture and aquaculture, were also mapped and described. In FAO-MCE, a GIS was used to combine biophysical and socio-economic characteristics for land evaluation. A multi-criteria evaluation tool was developed to support the decision maker in trade-off among different stakeholders¿ interests. In LUPAS, an optimization model was developed. The model is linked with a GIS for data input and results presentation. With the optimization model, the land use planners can explore different land use scenarios with different objectives and constraints, both biophysically and socio-economically. The results of the model are sets of land use option maps with their resources requirements, e.g. labor or capital requirements, and their outputs, e.g. productions of shrimp, rice or total area of forest. This information is very important for the decision-maker to select the most suitable land use plan for the study area
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2006
EventInternational Symposium on Geoinformatics for Spatial Infrastructure Development in Earth and Allied Sciences 2006 -
Duration: 9 Nov 200611 Nov 2006


Conference/symposiumInternational Symposium on Geoinformatics for Spatial Infrastructure Development in Earth and Allied Sciences 2006


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