antiSMASH v7.0.1 modified for petrobactin BGC detection

Z.L. Reitz

Research output: Non-textual formSoftware


A custom version of antiSMASH v7.0.1, modified to add a specific detection rule for homologs of the petrobactin biosynthetic genes asbABCDE. A BGC region meets the “AsbABCDE” rule if it contained matches to existing antiSMASH models for IucA_IucC (asbA/asbB), AMP-binding (asbC), and PP-binding (asbD), as well as the Pfam model for DUF6005 (asbE, PF19468.2).
Original languageEnglish
PublisherWageningen University & Research
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - 15 Sept 2023


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