Annual Rainfall and Seasonality Predict Pan-tropical Patterns of Liana Density and Basal Area

S.J. DeWalt, S.A. Schnitzer, J. Chave, F. Bongers, Z.Q. Cai, C.E.N. Ewango, M.P.E. Parren

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

147 Citations (Scopus)


We test the hypotheses proposed by Gentry and Schnitzer that liana density and basal area in tropical forests vary negatively with mean annual precipitation (MAP) and positively with seasonality. Previous studies correlating liana abundance with these climatic variables have produced conflicting results, warranting a new analysis of drivers of liana abundance based on a different dataset. We compiled a pan-tropical dataset containing 28,953 lianas (=2.5 cm diam.) from studies conducted at 13 Neotropical and 11 Paleotropical dry to wet lowland tropical forests. The ranges in MAP and dry season length (DSL) (number of months with mean rainfall
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)309-317
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2010


  • dry evergreen forests
  • floristic composition
  • neotropical forests
  • community structure
  • species-diversity
  • national-park
  • tree
  • abundance
  • dynamics
  • india


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