An LP-model to analyse economic and ecological sustainability on Dutch dairy farms: model presentation and application for experimental farm "de Marke"

K.J. van Calker, P.B.M. Berentsen, I.J.M. de Boer, G.W.J. Giesen, R.B.M. Huirne

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

109 Citations (Scopus)


Farm level modelling can be used to determine how farm management adjustments and environmental policy affect different sustainability indicators. In this paper indicators were included in a dairy farm LP (linear programming)-model to analyse the effects of environmental policy and management measures on economic and ecological sustainability on Dutch dairy farms. For analysing ecological sustainability, seven indicators were included in the model: eutrophication potential, nitrate concentration in groundwater, water use, acidification potential, global warming potential, terrestrial ecotoxicity, and aquatic ecotoxicity. Net farm income was included for measuring economic sustainability. The farm structure of "De Marke" formed the basis for three optimisations: (1) basis situation without environmental policy, (2) situation with Dutch environmental policy for 2004, and (3) situation with farm management measures applied at "De Marke". The Dutch environmental policy was included to comply with the EC nitrate directive. It resulted in lower fertiliser use and consequently in a decrease in sales of maize. This led to a decrease in net farm income of ca. EURO2500. Including this policy improved most used ecological indicators (except for ecotoxicity) and showed to be an effective tool to reduce the environmental impact of dairy farming. Adapting the model with farm management measures applied at experimental farm "De Marke" resulted in even better ecological performance compared to the situation with environmental policy. Nonetheless this increase in ecological performance led to a considerably lower net farm income (EURO14,500). (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)139-160
JournalAgricultural Systems
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2004


  • urinary urea concentration
  • ammonia emission
  • environmental-impact
  • feed characteristics
  • de-marke
  • management
  • nitrogen
  • systems
  • level
  • netherlands


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