An introduction to the EU FP7 funded project JATROPT (Jatropha curcas Applied and Technological research on Plant Traits)

E.N. van Loo, A. Kobayashi, A. King, L.R. Montes Osorio, X. Barandiarán Landín, R. Pirot, P.C.G. van der Linde, A. Sacbaja, D. Ramiaramanana, E. van der Vossen, M. Paramathma, J. Axayacatl Cuevas, R.E.E. Jongschaap

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingAbstract

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternational Conference on Jatropha Curcas. Groningen, the Netherlands, 1 - 2 November, 2010
EditorsH.J. Heeres, B. Janssen
Place of PublicationGroningen
PublisherUniversity of Groningen
ISBN (Print)9789081468022
Publication statusPublished - 2010
EventInternational Conference on Jatropha curcas (ICJC2010) - Groningen, Netherlands
Duration: 1 Nov 20102 Nov 2010


Conference/symposiumInternational Conference on Jatropha curcas (ICJC2010)

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