title = "An assessment of investments in land reclamation : a study from the point of view of the national economy = Une evaluation des investissements dans les terres nouvellement mises en valeur du point de vue de l'economie nationale = Eine gesamtwirtschaftliche Beurteilung von Investitionen fuer neugewonnenes Land = Una evaluacion nacional economica de inversiones en tierras recien recuperadas",
keywords = "economische impact, economie, nederland, polders, ontginning, gebruikswaarde, economic impact, economics, netherlands, polders, reclamation, use value",
author = "Anonymous and {Nederland. Ministerie van Landbouw en VisserijDutch Agricultural Investment Commission's-Gravenhage004276}",
year = "1960",
language = "English",
series = "Publication / International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement",
publisher = "I.L.R.I.",
number = "no. 7",