Agriculture in a changing climate: impacts and adaptation

J. Reilly, W. Baethgen, F.E. Chege, S.C. van de Geijn, Lin Erda, A. Iglesias, G. Kenny, D. Patterson, J. Rogasik, R. Rötter, C. Rosenzweig, W. Sombroek, J. Westbrook, D. Bachelet, M. Brklacich, U. Dämmgen, M. Howden

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademic


    This chapter deals with sensitivities, adaptive capacity and vulnerability of agriculture to climate change. It covers: the direct and indirect effects of changes in climate and atmospheric constituents on crop yield, soils, agricultural pests, and livestock; estimates of yield and production changes for specific localities, countries, and the world; the conditions that determine vulnerability; and adaptation potential.
    Original languageUndefined/Unknown
    Title of host publicationClimate change 1995; impacts, adaptations and mitigation of climate change: scientific-technical analyses
    EditorsR.T. Watson, M.C. Zinyowera, R.H. Moss
    Place of PublicationCambridge, UK
    PublisherCambridge University Press
    Publication statusPublished - 1996

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