title = "Agrarische vrouwen benoemen hun belangen.",
keywords = "landbouw, boeren, menselijke relaties, nederland, sociale klassen, sociale interactie, sociale structuur, sociale systemen, positie van de vrouw, vrouwen, vrouwenemancipatie, gelijke behandeling van de vrouw, feminisme, sociale relaties, vrouw en samenleving, vrouwenbeweging, agriculture, farmers, human relations, netherlands, social classes, social interaction, social structure, social systems, woman's status, women, emancipation of women, female equality, feminism, social relations, woman and society, women's movement",
author = "T.J. Hilhorst",
year = "1993",
language = "Nederlands",
isbn = "9789067542746",
series = "Rapport / Wetenschapswinkel",
publisher = "Wetenschapswinkel Wageningen",
number = "82",
address = "Netherlands",