Abstract P2-16: Inactivation of bacteria in spices and herbs

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


In u ·arr:[pices and herbs are natur'al dried components, or mixtures thereof, used in foods tor flavoring, seasoning and imparting aroma. Currently in the EU the most consumed spices are pepper, paprika and pimento (allspice), whereas
the most consumed herbs are thyme and oregano. Despite their low water activity, which inhibits microbiological growth,spices and dried herbs can be naturally contaminated with large numbers of microorganisms, among them severalpathogenie species and toxigenic molds, tor example, Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens, Bacil/usand aflatoxigenic Aspergil/us spp. Spices and herbs are theretore treated tor reduction of microbial load.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify factors influencing inactivation of pathogenie bacteria by irradiation.Methods: Meta-analysis on the published data available on irradiation was performed and trends were tested tor their
significance with statistica! tests.Results: lnactivation data collected showed high variability in reduction kinetics. lrradiation treatment (gamma or electron
beam) and product physical state (whole, ground or powdered) were not found to significantly influence reduction. Grampositive bacteria were significantly more resistant than Gram negative; subsequently spares were significantly more
resistant than vegetative cells.Significance: lrradiation may not be able to significantly reduce spares and gram positive bacteria in spices and dried
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventIAFP European Symposium on Food Safety, Cardiff, Wales - Cardiff City Hall, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Duration: 20 Apr 201522 Apr 2015


Conference/symposiumIAFP European Symposium on Food Safety, Cardiff, Wales
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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