A theoretical framework to connect health care and physical activity; opportunities for the Care Sport Connector

E. Smit, K.E.F. Leenaars, A. Wagemakers, G. Molleman, K. van der Velden

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingAbstract


In 2012, the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport introduced Care Sport In 2012, the Dutch Ministry of Connectors (CSCs), to whom a broker role has been ascribed. CSCs are employed to connect primary care and sport and to promote physical activity among patients with, or a high chance to develop, a chronic disease. The goal is that primary care patients become physically active in their own neighborhood or participate in local sports facilities. Adequate scientific research is needed to assess CSCs’ impact in: 1) connecting primary care and sport, and 2) promoting the health of primary care patients. Purpose: The aim of this research was to develop a theoretical framework to study the role and impact of CSCs. Methods: A literature study has been conducted to identify theories, frameworks and factors which are relevant in connecting primary care and physical activity. In addition, lifestyle programs in primary care settings have been analyzed to reveal success factors and barriers in stimulating physical activity and the transferral of patients to local sports activities. Results: The theoretical model for this study is based on the expanded chronic care model (ECCM) (Barr et al., 2003), which is a combination of the chronic care model (Wagner et al., 2001)and the principles of the Ottawa Charter (WHO, 1886). Literature indicated that barriers in connecting primary care and sport are the different cultures and target groups of both sectors. A broker role might overcome these barriers by taking the lead to establish and maintain a network with professionals in the primary care and sports sector, collect and disseminate information and establish preconditions for a transferral of patients from primary care to local sports facilities. Therefore we added a broker role to the ECCM. Discussion: The developed theoretical framework provides factors that are relevant to examine the connection between primary care and the sports sector. Innovative is the explicit broker role, which makes it possible to study the added value of a broker role.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 10th Annual Meeting and 5th Conference of HEPA Europe
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Event10th Annual Meeting and 5th Conference of HEPA Europe, Physical activity promotion in health care settings, Zurich, Switzerland -
Duration: 27 Aug 201429 Aug 2014


Conference/symposium10th Annual Meeting and 5th Conference of HEPA Europe, Physical activity promotion in health care settings, Zurich, Switzerland


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