A single locus linked to virulence in Globodera pallida

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterAcademic


The cyst nematode Globodera pallida is a significant pest in potato crops worldwide. Currently infestations are managed by culturing resistant potato varieties. However, currently resistance-breaking populations of G. pallida are observed in various North-West European countries. We show that virulence is due to selection on a single locus in the G. pallida genome due to resistance derived from Solanum vernei.
We sampled over 100 field populations from Globodera pallida from agricultural fields. A selection of 15 populations was tested on 28 resistant potato cultivars, where we show that these populations are virulent on the whole panel of resistant potato cultivars. Further selection of two field populations on the resistant cultivar Seresta showed that selection on Seresta is sufficient to increase virulence on not only Seresta but five other potato cultivars. All these cultivars rely on S. vernei-based resistance. High coverage DNA sequencing over five generations of selection identified a single locus of 650kb on the G. pallida genome associated with virulence.
Virulence on S. vernei¬-based resistance is a rapidly selectable trait, requiring allelic variation at a single locus in the G. pallida genome. Furthermore, virulence is wide-spread. Our results imply the virulence allele was ancestrally present in the G. pallida populations imported to Europe in the 1850s. Hence, parallel selection acting at a large geographic scale is driving the virulence outbreak in G. pallida.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 16 Jul 2023
Event2023 IS-MPMI​​ Congress - Providence, Rhode Island, United States
Duration: 16 Jul 202320 Jul 2023


Conference/symposium2023 IS-MPMI​​ Congress
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityProvidence, Rhode Island
Internet address


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