A single-cell genomic strategy for alternative transcript start sites identification

Yanling Peng, Qitong Huang, Danli Liu, Siyuan Kong, Rui Kamada, Keiko Ozato, Yubo Zhang*, Jun Zhu*

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Alternative transcription start sites (TSSs) usage plays a critical role in gene transcription regulation in mammals. However, precisely identifying alternative TSSs remains challenging at the genome-wide level. We report a single-cell genomic technology for alternative TSSs annotation and cell heterogeneity detection. In the method, we utilize Fluidigm C1 system to capture individual cells of interest, SMARTer cDNA synthesis kit to recover full-length cDNAs, then dual priming oligonucleotide system to specifically enrich TSSs for genomic analysis. We apply this method to a genome-wide study of alternative TSSs identification in two different IFN-β stimulated mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). The data clearly discriminate two IFN-β stimulated MEFs. Moreover, our results indicate 81% expressed genes in these two cell types containing multiple TSSs, which is much higher than previous predictions based on Cap-Analysis Gene Expression (CAGE) (58%) or empirical determination (54%) in various cell types. This indicates that alternative TSSs are more pervasive than expected and implies our strategy could position them at an unprecedented sensitivity. It would be helpful for elucidating their biological insights in future.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2300516
JournalBiotechnology Journal
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2024


  • analytical biotechnology
  • bioinformatics


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