A potato pathogenesis-related protein gene, StPRp27, contributes to race-nonspecific resistance against Phytophthora infestans

X. Shi, Z. Tian, Jun Liu, E.A.G. van der Vossen, Conghua Xie

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

    15 Citations (Scopus)


    Late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans is the most important disease of potato. Many efforts have been made to understand molecular mechanism of the durable resistance to address the challenge raised by rapid evolution of the pathogen. A pathogenesis related protein (PR) gene StPRp27 was previously isolated from the potato leaves challenged by P. infestans. The sequence analysis and expression pattern reveal that StPRp27 may be associated with resistance to P. infestans. In present research, transient expression of StPRp27 in Nicotiana benthamiana enhanced resistance to P. infestans isolates 99189 and PY23 indicating its potential contribution to the disease resistance. These findings were also confirmed by over-expression of StPRp27 in potato cv. E-potato 3, which significantly slowed down the development of the disease after inoculation with a mixture of P. infestans races. Further, silencing of StPRp27 homologous genes in N. benthamiana harboring dominant Phytophthora resistance gene Rpi-blb1 or Rpi-blb2 showed no effects on the resistance triggered by these R genes. Our results suggest that StPRp27 contributes to a race-nonspecific resistance against P. infestans by inhibiting the disease development and has a potential use in selection and breeding for durable resistance to late blight
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1909-1916
    JournalMolecular Biology Reports
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2012


    • broad-spectrum resistance
    • late blight resistance
    • quantitative resistance
    • solanum-bulbocastanum
    • r-gene
    • expression
    • infection
    • tobacco
    • identification
    • population


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