title = "A pedo-geomorphological classification and map of the Holocene sediments in the coastal plain of the three Guianas",
abstract = "Stiboka onderzoek",
keywords = "geomorfologie, guyana, gesteenten, sedimentmaterialen, bodemclassificatie, bodemtaxonomie, bodemtypen, suriname, holoceen, postglaciale perioden, geomorphology, guyana, rocks, sedimentary materials, soil classification, soil taxonomy, soil types, suriname, holocene, postglacial periods",
author = "R. Brinkman and L.J. Pons",
year = "1968",
language = "English",
series = "Soil survey papers / Soil Survey Institute",
publisher = "Soil Survey Institute",
number = "4",
address = "Netherlands",