A management guide for planting and production of switchgrass as a biomass crop in Europe

H.W. Elbersen, D.G. Christian, N.E. Bassam, G. Sauerbeck, E. Alexopoulou, N. Sharma, I. Piscioneri

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference paperAcademic


    Switchgrass is a perennial C4 grass native to North America, where it occurs naturally from 55º N latitude to deep into Mexico. It is used for soil conservation, forage production, as an ornamental grass and more recently as a biomass crop for ethanol, fibre, electricity and heat production. As biomass increases in importance in Europe it is expected that switchgrass can play an important role in supplying sustainably produced lignocellulosic biomass. One of the main attractive features being low establishment costs and high productivity under low input conditions. Recent European research has led to sufficient results to merit publication of a management guide. In this guide all aspects necessary to produce switchgrass from variety choice, site selection, establishment, nutritional requirements, pest management, economics, harvest options, to application for energy or fibre are discussed.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2004
    Event2nd World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, Rome, Italy -
    Duration: 10 May 200414 May 2004


    Conference/symposium2nd World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, Rome, Italy


    • panicum virgatum
    • fuel crops
    • arable farming
    • fibre plants
    • biomass production
    • cultivation manuals
    • biobased economy


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