Watt, A, Gelan, A, Courbaud, B, Topping, CJ, Klok, C, Maes, D, Bogusz, D, Framstad, E, Skov, F, Waetzold, F, Matteucci, G, Deffuant, G, Haberl, H, Tóth, J, Heizlar, J, Krause, K, Halada, L, Drechsler, M, Luoto, M, Petit, S, Dullinger, S, Marañon, T, Parr, T, Dirnböck, T, Tappeiner, U & Grandin, U 2005,
A long-term biodiversity, ecosystem and awareness research network; modelling and forecasting. WP R6 Deliverable, no. 2005-01, ALTER-Net, [S.l.]. <