A generic (RT)-PCR test for caulimoviruses (Poster Session III)

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingAbstract


    For a considerable number of viruses from different genera sequence data are available and for different virus genera general PCR primersets have been described. Not for all economically important viruses reliable detection methods are available yet. Caulimoviruses constitute a group of DNA plant viruses that cause diseases in a wide range of crops. To only a limited number of them specific diagnostics are available. Detection of poorly characterized or new caulimoviruses is often not possible or reliable. Based on available sequence data caulimovirus genus–specific primers were designed The primers were tested to available caulimoviruses from different crops. At least one generic primer set proofed capable of detection of all caulimovirus tested to date. Sequence analysis of the PCR products enabled subsequent identification of the individual viruses. Use of these primer sets will allow NPPOs and inspection services to more reliable monitor caulimovirus infections and spread.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProgram and Abstracts. 10th International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium: "Controlling Epidemics of Emerging and Established Plant Virus Diseases - The Way Forward", Icrisat, India, 15-19 October 2007
    EditorsP. Lava Kumar, R.A.C. Jones, F. Waliyar
    Place of PublicationAustralia and India
    Publication statusPublished - 2007
    Event10th International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium: "Controlling Epidemics of Emerging and Established Plant Virus Diseases - The Way Forward", Icrisat, India -
    Duration: 15 Oct 200719 Oct 2007


    Conference/symposium10th International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium: "Controlling Epidemics of Emerging and Established Plant Virus Diseases - The Way Forward", Icrisat, India


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