A detailed linkage map of lettuce based on SSAP, AFLP and NBS markers

N. Syed, A.P. Sorensen, R. Antonise, C.C.M. van de Wiel, C.G. van der Linden, W.P.C. van 't Westende, D.A.P. Hooftman, H.C.M. den Nijs, A. Flavell

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

    51 Citations (Scopus)


    Molecular markers based upon a novel lettuce LTR retrotransposon and the nucleotide binding site-leucine-rich repeat (NBS-LRR) family of disease resistance-associated genes have been combined with AFLP markers to generate a 458 locus genetic linkage map for lettuce. A total of 187 retrotransposon-specific SSAP markers, 29 NBS-LRR markers and 242 AFLP markers were mapped in an F2 population, derived from an interspecific cross between a Lactuca sativa cultivar commonly used in Europe and a wild Lactuca serriola isolate from Northern Europe. The cross has been designed to aid efforts to assess gene flow from cultivated lettuce into the wild in the perspective of genetic modification biosafety. The markers were mapped in nine major and one minor linkage groups spanning 1,266.1 cM, with an average distance of 2.8 cM between adjacent mapped markers. The markers are well distributed throughout the lettuce genome, with limited clustering of different marker types. Seventy-seven of the AFLP markers have been mapped previously and cross-comparison shows that the map from this study corresponds well with the previous linkage map
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)517-527
    JournalTheoretical and Applied Genetics
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 2006


    • ty1-copia group retrotransposons
    • transpositional activity
    • disease resistance
    • assisted selection
    • diversity analysis
    • molecular markers
    • genetic diversity
    • s-sap
    • barley
    • polymorphisms


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