A Composting Bedding System for Animals as a Contribution to the Circular Economy

Abele Kuipers*, Paul Galama, Lorenzo Leso, Kerstin Bruegemann, Marija Klopčič

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


By-products from forestry, agriculture and nature areas are used in compost bedded-pack housing (CBP) systems for animals. In this communication, we discuss the application of a CBP system to animal farms and aspects related to the recycling and reuse of the materials in the context of a circular economy. This study is based on data from ongoing projects and literature. The following systems are discussed: (i) composting material applied to a specialized animal housing system; (ii) adding a horticultural component to the animal farm by reusing the compost, and (iii) a cooperative mixed cattle and crop farming system. The success of integrating a compost bedding component in the system depends largely on the skills of managing the composting process, the application of the material in the field, and the cost of acquiring the material. When materials are amply available, then a real contribution to the circular economy can be made. Cooperation between farmers in the utilization of by-products is another route to a more circular economy. Moreover, the analyzed systems can be seen as a Greenhouse Gases (GHG) mitigation practice because they store carbon in the soil and improve soil quality.

Original languageEnglish
Article number518
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2022


  • Animal housing
  • By-products
  • Carbon storage
  • Circular economy
  • Composting material
  • Field application


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