A comparative analysis of the Wadden Sea for the nomination on the World Heritage list

M.J. Baptist, N.M.J.A. Dankers, C.J. Smit

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


The format for the nomination of properties for inscription in the World Heritage List requires a comparative analysis (including state of conservation of similar properties) of the similar sites, whether on the World Heritage List or not. The comparison should outline the similarities the nominated property has with other properties and the reasons that make the nominated property stand out. The comparative analysis should aim to explain the importance of the nominated property both in its national and international context. The objective is: a comparative table in which the Wadden Sea area to be nominated for inscription on the World Heritage List is compared with similar areas in the world, listed and non-listed
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationTexel
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 2007

Publication series

NameReport / Wageningen IMARES


  • wetlands
  • heritage areas
  • conservation areas
  • marine areas
  • world
  • netherlands
  • tidal flats


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