360-Degree Videos in Teacher Education to Develop Preservice Teachers' Theory-Based Interpersonal Knowledge [Roundtable Session]

H. Theelen, Antoine van den Beemt, P.J. den Brok

Research output: Contribution to conferenceOther


This study explores the development of preservice teachers’ (PST) quality and structure of interpersonal knowledge and knowledge application after an intervention watching 360-degree videos combined with theoretical lectures in teacher education. To study knowledge (structure) development, PSTs’ concept maps were analyzed using social network analysis, which included comparison with expert concept maps and measuring structural and conceptual relevance. The application of PSTs’ knowledge was measured using teacher behavior vignettes and also compared to vignettes of experts. Results showed more organized concept maps including more relevant concepts after the intervention. Furthermore, PSTs’ reactions on vignettes were closer to those of experts in situations with a high level of interpersonal teacher control.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2020
Event2020 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting -
Duration: 17 Apr 202021 Apr 2020


Conference/symposium2020 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting
Abbreviated titleAERA2020
Internet address


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