
Translated title of the contribution: Coordinated responses of hydraulic architecture and photosynthetic characteristics in Fraxinus mandschurica seedlings to change of light intensity irradiance

Xin Kong, Aiying Wang, Guangyou Hao*, Qiurui Ning, Miao Wang, Xiaohan Yin, Yongjiao Zhou

*Corresponding author for this work

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2 Citations (Scopus)


【Objective】This study aims to explore the response and adaptive mechanisms of Fraxinus mandschurica to different light intensities,to provide a basis for reforestation and forest regeneration. 【Method】Two-year-old potted Fraxinus mandschurica seedlings were grown under four different light treatments (100%,60%,30%,and 15% of full sunlight). The photosynthetic and hydraulic characteristics of the seedlings were then measured. 【Result】Shading treatments significantly affected the growth,photosynthesis,and hydraulics of Fraxinus mandschurica seedlings. Seedlings had a higher stomatal conductance (Gs),net photosynthetic rate (Pn),hydraulic conductance of root (Kroot),shoot (Kshoot),and whole plant (Kplant)under 100% relative light intensity than under 60% and 30% relative light intensities. With a decrease in light intensity,the growth rate,ratio of root mass (RMR),maximum net photosynthetic rate (Pn,max),light saturation point (LSP),and light compensation point (LCP)decreased,while the ratio of stem mass (SMR)and leaf mass (LMR)and apparent quantum yield (AQY)increased. Xylem anatomies were significantly different among the three light treatments. For example,the vessel density was significantly higher in the 100% than in the 30% and 60% relative light intensities,but the vessel diameter was significantly lower in the 100% than in the 30% and 60% light treatments. 【Conclusion】Even though Fraxinus mandschurica was able to slightly adapt to low-light conditions by adjusting its morphology,photosynthesis,and hydraulic characteristics,it mostly had a high demand for light during its seedling stage. There was a coupling between the hydraulic architecture and photosynthetic characteristics in response to changes in the light intensity. The photosynthetic and hydraulic characteristics of Fraxinus mandschurica seedlings showed relatively larger plasticity with changes in light treatment. Relatively larger plastic adjustments of functional traits can contribute to greater fitness in heterogeneous light environments of the forest understory,which has great significance for the regeneration of Fraxinus mandshurica seedlings in natural forests.

Translated title of the contributionCoordinated responses of hydraulic architecture and photosynthetic characteristics in Fraxinus mandschurica seedlings to change of light intensity irradiance
Original languageChinese
Pages (from-to)83-91
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Nanjing Forestry University (Natural Sciences Edition)
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2023


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