Крупномасштабное картографирование загрязнения почв тяжелы ми металлами (Cu, Ni) на участке техногенной пустоши (г. Мончегорск) на основе полевых pXRF измерений и данных дистанционного зондирования

Translated title of the contribution: High-resolution mapping of soil pollution by potentially toxic elements at a polar industrial barren (Monchegorsk) using the field proximal and remote sensing

Y.A. Dvornikov, M.V. Slukovskaya, A.M. Yaroslavtsev, J.L. Meshalkina, D.A. Sarzhanov, V.I. Vasenev

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperAcademic


Industrial pollution by heavy metals remains a key environmental threat, resulting in degradation of ecosystem in general and soils in particular. Large-scale mapping of polluted areas is a crucial stage in localizing the secondary contamination in vast areas. Such mapping makes it possible to indicate the zones that are in the most need in remediation. The distribution of nickel (Ni) and copper (Cu) was analyzed using field portable XRF analyzer in the topsoil within the industrial barren around the Ni and Cu smelter near the Monchegorsk town (Kola Peninsula). Bulk Cu and Ni contents were measured at 84 observation points within the area of two hectares with degraded podsols and tuff soils; vegetation in the area was represented by single trees. The heavy metal content varied from 0.2 to 9.0 g kg-1 for Cu and from 0.2 to 21 g kg-1 for Ni. The area was surveyed with unmanned aerial vehicle and differential global navigation satellite system to obtain a high-accuracy hydrologically correct digital terrain model with 1.5 m spatial resolution to explore environmental variables behind the spatial variability. Field observations were interpolated on the key area by regression kriging with gradient boosting machines as an input regression model. The soil type and topographic wetness index were found to be the most important variables, explaining the heavy metal content variability at the topsoil at the industrial barren.
Translated title of the contributionHigh-resolution mapping of soil pollution by potentially toxic elements at a polar industrial barren (Monchegorsk) using the field proximal and remote sensing
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationXIX Ферсмановская научная сессия ГИ КНЦ РАН
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Publication series

NameТруды Ферсмановской научной сессии ГИ КНЦ РАН
ISSN (Print)2074-2479


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