Waterrijk Park Lingezegen (KB-14-001-050)

  • Kwakernaak, Cees (Project Leader)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


Climate change causes an increasingly greater dynamism in the alternation of flooding and drought. Problems arise in the field of water safety and the availability of sufficient fresh water of good quality, also in the Netherlands. The dutch Deltaprogramme has made clear that also in the riverine area of the Betuwe problems of water shortage can arise, caused by climate change.

The project RichWaterWorld (WaterRijk) aims to find a sustainable system solution to regional drought issues, in addition to water storage after extreme precipitation. Central to this is water retention in aurplus situation, and its utilisation for drought control. In this project possibilities for water conservation will be analyzed by model analyses, combined with field experiments and inventories of meteo data and sensor data in soil and (ground)water. In the process, the project generates products in the areas of: combination of storage and retention, water purification, sustainable energy and nutrient separation and recovery.

Effective start/end date1/01/1331/12/15


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