Vegetatie-opnamen - verdroging (KB-24-004-015)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


This study aims to produce a map of the actual situation of desiccation in the Netherlands. To this purpose a method will be developed which enables objective, reproducible and accurate mapping of desiccation in future. First the situation of desiccation and changes therein since 2004 will be described for terrestric nature, based on existing data and in a uniform, objective and reproducible way. For the long term a method will be developed to continue reporting on the situation and improve reports by using additional data and possibly also vegetation data that were collected by nature managers for other obligations. 

 The research questions are:

  1. To which extent can a quantitative description of the water table depth be derived from vegetation maps, and how accurate are these descriptions as compared to data from observation wells?
  2. What are the differences between various descriptions of water table depth derived from vegetation maps using methods developed by KWR, Staatsbosbeheer and Alterra, and is objective and independent validation possible?
  3. What is the actual situation of desiccation of groundwater dependent nature in the Netherlands?
Effective start/end date1/01/1731/12/17


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