Trainer programme tropical vegetable production Myanmar (BO-27.05-001-005)

  • Schepers, Huub (Project Leader)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


Wageningen UR has signed an cooperation agreement with Yezin University in Myanmar. The potential to work together, also in executing projects in the agricultural supply chain is large. A good relation between WUR and Yezin is essential for WUR to be involved in supply chain projects in Myanmar. To give content to this cooperation a series of events is being set up. One of these events  is this short training course. “Responsible pest & disease management and spraying techniques and crop nutrition, fertilizer use and soil management”. With emphasis on profitable vegetable production, cost reduction and environmental care. Learning objectives;

•             How to make a production plan
•             How to make a pest & disease action plan for the crop / field / farm
•             How to make a crop nutrition plan / fertilizer / soil fertility plan
•             How to improve productivity in vegetable farming
•             How to spray a vegetable crop
•             Occupational health hazards

Four day training programme including field visits with trainers and teachers to farmers. Discussion on practice and field observations, module theory and practice

Effective start/end date1/07/1431/12/14


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