TN4 Transition network (KB-39-006-011)

  • Vernooij, Adriaan (Project Leader)

Project: LVVN project

Project Details


The demand for animal proteins, including fish products is growing strongly. This is also the case in the Lake Victoria region in East Africa, where aquaculture is growing strongly. However, there is a big shortage of fish feed ingredients, which as a result have to be imported to the area, often from great distances.

This project creates more insight in the availability of alternative local ingredients/side stream which can be utilized as feed ingredients. With special attention to the contribution of algae and insects. The study will be conducted locally, but it will be concluded if these possibilities options are unique or of a more generic nature.

Planned activities are


(1)        General survey into available local feed resource, including side streams using desk work and field studies in the region.

(2)        Develop options for algae as a source for fish feed:

(3)        Develop options for insects.

(4) Identify pathways and possible obstacles for implementation of the developed options by assessing social readiness levels for the two options. This will include the socio-economic and environmental effects of the options for insects and algae. The work will concentrate on the two regional workshops, fed by a limited literature study and a few (< 5) interviews with key experts.

Summarizing, the project will look at regional aspects of protein transition into practical, technical applicability of waste streams and other local resources, but also analyze the wider landscape of environmental and climate impacts, consequences for land use, and socio-economic impact on e.g. employment and family income.

The impact of the project will be a better insight in a more sustainable use of waste streams and local resources in general and for algae and insects, in particular; a better collaboration with regional public and private partners will be established and the project will assist WUR in strengthening its role as a leading player in the conversion of organic waste into aquaculture feed under tropical circumstances.


Effective start/end date1/01/2231/12/22


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